Apr 17, 2021Liked by Mykola Rabchevskiy

I'd like to connect, I'm working on a parallel project.



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I have been writing up an explanation of a new computational theory of mind. I have also been trying to sort out the resources that I could use to implement this theoretical system.

In the article, I am writing I would like to quote your articles and reproduce two of your diagrams as part of my explanation. I want to explain how I believe memories are part of our encoded consciousness system and are in fact a type of editable, reuseable and extendable simulation component. Interesting I believe we could potentially describe memories using XML (Yes!) and some open source software called XDEVS.

I am on the Cognitive architecture FB group you are on. So could perhaps PM you there or FB friend you if you would like to discuss more.

Here is my article intro so far:

I believe our minds contain something that is very much like computer simulation software. Theoretically at least simulation software could be used to mimic life and, therefore, also potentially a type of human intelligence.

I believe we should recognise simulation technology as the next big thing in developing more human-like AI. I will explain how I believe we could create computers that appear to convincingly and literally understand and use any and all human languages. We could in fact go further and potentially implement an artificial ability to understand and use human languages in an entirely human like. I believe it will be a long while before we start asking our computers to be completely human-like. I do not currently see the need for an AI poet or playwright. People, particularly the elderly, do have a need for AI social companions. Such a companion would need to be able to demonstrate empathy and be able to “read between the lines” when it reads and hears language. I believe this will be possible using the simulation approach that I will outline.

I believe this new simulation approach to AI will be possible as I believe, like Alan Turing did, that human intelligence and consciousness is a product of a set of mechanical processes that we could replicate if we only understood how we need to build it. To make a simulation of intelligence we will need to create a system that builds and evolves layers of understanding as a system of managed systems that manages more and more systems that understand more and more. I believe this dual process of adding more and more layers of data and also a layer of data management is what we have done to evolve our human-like understanding. I will show how I believe we are made by growing a progressively more complex layered data management system that manages a growing hierarchy of essentially similar data management systems. I will describe how at each evolved layer of our intelligence process we are using an implementation of something very similar to what statisticians call the Markov Property.

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Thank! Our positions in one stream.

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I'd like to zoom and talk about this. Possible?

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