The functioning of an intelligent system consists of the manipulation of knowledge. The width of possibilities for manipulating knowledge, in turn, is determined by how knowledge is represented and is characterized by a set of operations on the knowledge that is available for the selected representation variant.
Knowledge includes logical entities and relationships between them (which are also logical entities) and attributes of entities, which represent parameters of entities that are not relationships: numerical values, words, texts.
The maximum possible set of operations on knowledge includes the ability to add and remove logical entities from the available knowledge set, add and remove relationships between entities, and corresponding operations on entity attributes.
We will compare the possibilities for the most famous and used implementations:
a natural way realized in humans and animals
knowledge representation systems based on a fixed set of rules
neural networks with an invariable graph of the structure of connections
semantic variable structure graphs
storing knowledge in the form of natural language texts
hybrid systems including components of the types listed above
Potential intelligence capabilities include:
adaptation to changing environmental conditions
detection and identification of known objects/situations
detection and memorization of unknown objects/situations
detection of causation
exchange of information with other systems
The detection of unknown objects/situations and cause-and-effect relationships is de facto the generation of new logical entities and together constitute the essence of self-learning. The ability to exchange is, in turn, a necessary element of learning with an "external teacher".
Human and animals
A person's ability to manipulate personal knowledge includes everything described except for deliberate forgetting. The impossibility of voluntary forgetting results in the asymmetry (well known to psychologists) between the replenishment of knowledge by adding new concepts and connections between them and the correction of knowledge, which requires not only the addition of new concepts/relations but also the forgetting of mutually exclusive statements: after correcting previously acquired knowledge, logically contradictory statements coexist for some time. It, however, does not prevent the implementation of all the listed intellectual capabilities. The effectiveness of the realization of intellectual abilities, naturally, is the highest in humans, but to one degree or another, these capabilities are present in animals.
Systems based on a fixed set of rules
The impossibility of changing the rules eliminates the memorization of new entities and relationships while allowing the ability to recognize known objects/situations and adapt.
Fixed structure neural networks
The structure of a neural network is described by a directed graph, as well as semantic graph structure, but the technique of using the semantic graph is radically different for these two ways of representing knowledge and entails a dramatic difference in capabilities.
In a semantic graph, its vertices represent logical entities - exactly one vertex corresponds to each logical entity. Accordingly, adding/removing an entity means adding/deleting a graph's vertex and changing its structure. Adding/removing logical links is performed by adding/deleting the graph's edges and changing its structure. The data attached at the vertices and edges are used only for naming/indicating entities and setting the values of their attributes; that is, the graph's structure sets the body of knowledge. Thus, logical entities in the representation of knowledge by a semantic graph are addressable, enumerable, and individually changeable.
In a neural network, the structure is assigned by the developer and remains unchanged in the future; knowledge manipulation is reduced to varying the numerical parameters associated with the vertices of the graph (neurons) and the connections between them. Such a representation can be interpreted as a point of a high-dimensional multidimensional space, and the learning process can be interpreted as moving this point. It is impossible to select data related to a specific logical entity or relation in such a distributed representation - the entire set of parameter numbers determines the whole set of "spread" entities and their relationships. Distributed representation has dramatic consequences: any change in one of the numerical parameters potentially affects all concepts and relations "spread" over the network. This is the reason for the laboriousness of forming acceptable parameters by "training" the network, which provides the required response to possible input data: correction of the response to a specific input data set distorts the rest to one degree or another. Distributed knowledge representation, excluding the possibility of selective correction of knowledge by adding/ excluding a concept or a link between concepts, excludes all the listed intellectual capabilities except for detecting known objects.